Short introduction to what metadata is
Metadata is simply put data about data. Or more pragmatically, statements giving the title, description, author, subject etc. of a resource. In this setting a resource may be a webpage, an abstract thing, a physical object, a person etc, in practice anything that can be identified and described.
There is many standards that defines properties and vocabularies. Properties are terms like title and authorthat are used to know which value-strings that represents respectively title and author. Vocabularies are fixed value objects of the properies, e.g. subject classification terms like Mathematics, Chemistry, Litterature etc.
In Conzilla2 we have metadata on Context-maps, concepts, concept-relations and also on content.
Annotation Profiles
In Conzilla1 we used the IMS Metadata specifciation expressed in XML. This limitation came from the pragmatic need to provide a good user interface to an expressive enough set of metadata.
In Conzilla2 we have moved away from this limitation by making use of Annotation Profiles? which are configurations of which metadata to use from which a user interface can be generated on the fly.
Conzilla2 Annotation Profiles
Currently there is only three different annotation profiles available in Conzilla2. In the near future we will make this configurable from within the stylesheet so that every type of concept and concept-relation can have their own specific set of metadata.
Context-map | Concepts and concept-relations | Content | |
Name of AP: | Context AP | Concept AP | Dublin Core AP |
Properties: | Name Description Surrounding Context Purpose Target Group | Name Definition Description Purpose Target Group | Title Description Creator Contributor Publisher Subject Date Format Resource Type Language Resource Identifier Coverage Relation Source Rights Management |
Apperance in Conzilla2
In the browse mode of Conzilla2 a metadata display will be overlayed ontop of the Context-map whenever the mouse lingers over any concept, concept-relation or the Context-map itself. The overlay may be forced to show up and stay up by pressing the space-bar before it pops up. In this way multiple overlays can be shown at once.
The automatic popup of the overlay may be disabled with the button.
In edit mode you right click on a concept, concept-relation, or the Context-map and choose edit in the popup-menu.